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Im „Übrigens“ vom 30. Dezember urteilte Gernot Stegert: Glückliches Tübingen!


Von Barbara Lupp

Tübingen ist laut der Homepage des gerade stattfindenden Folkmarathons noch „glücklicher“ als von Gernot Stegert im „Übrigens“ geschildert (Zitate aus „Tübingen is the most wonderful city you have never heard of ... It is possibly the smallest cultural capital in Germany. Surrounded by forests and a national park (welcher Nationalpark?) and lying on the banks of the river Neckar, ... Hermann Hesse (the author of ,Steppenwolf‘) did his apprenticeship as a bookseller here, schizophrenic poet Hölderlin wrote his famous lines in a tower at the riverside which was named after him ... Also, Goethe used to drop by on his travels, drinking till he got sick all over the cobblestones, rumors say. Nowadays, Tübingen is the youngest city in Germany, the average age is about 30 (naja, laut städtischer Homepage liegt der Altersschnitt bei 40 Jahren) ... The Green Party got 50 % of the vote in the last local election, the city is open-minded, liberal and a pioneer in ecological city development. Alternative lifestyles exist alongside strong traditions leading to exotic (?) results such as left-wing fraternities or housing projects and an alternative trailer park not unlike Copenhagen’s Christiania in its early days. At the moment Tübingen is becoming a center for the German folk music scene ... And if you still haven‘t decided whether to come or not, don‘t forget that we also have the best beer, the fastest cars and the most attractive boys and girls.“

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03.01.2017, 01:00 Uhr
Lesedauer: ca. 1min 48sec
zuletzt aktualisiert: 03.01.2017, 01:00 Uhr

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